These chemicals are shared amongst plants and give them their fragrance and taste. These are the chemicals that make cannabis strains have their specific taste. For example, strains high in limonene taste like citrus, whilst strains high in terpinolene taste like sweet petroleum-you have to taste it to believe it!
More than just making our strains taste amazing, terpenes also give strains their specific effect. Strains high in limonene and terpinolene are noted to be more “uplifting” and mentally-stimulating, whilst strains high in myrcene and caryophyllene result in complete muscle-relaxation, and even increase the amount of THC in the bloodstream. This is why at The Flowery we strive to produce the tastiest, most fragrant flowers, because we know that this will not only result in the optimum smoking experience, but also have the maximum medical effects and benefits.