Lineage: Blue Apricot x Grape GasolineApricot Stomper #5 was selected in-house for its entirely unique terpene profile. It has notes of dried apricots, citrus and sweet fuel. The flavor is citrus forward and the unique apricot profile transfers in the finish. Effects are sedative...(Read More)
Apricot Stomper Eighth
The Flowery | Smoking 3.5g
Lineage: Blue Apricot x Grape GasolineApricot Stomper #5 was selected in-house for its entirely unique terpene profile. It has notes of dried apricots, citrus and sweet fuel. The flavor is citrus forward and the unique apricot profile transfers in the finish. Effects are sedative...(Read More)
This % may represent an aggregate of THC/CBD, THCa/CBDa, and THCb/CBDb within the product. Consumers should review the actual product label for exact % of THC/CBD.